Friday, January 30, 2009

Are You a Fan of 'The Secret' by Rhonda Byrne?

The Secret (2006 film)Image via Wikipedia

The Secret reveals the most powerful law in the universe. The knowledge of this law has run like a golden thread through the lives and the teachings of all the prophets, seers, sages and saviors in the world's history, and through the lives of all truly great men and women. All that they have ever accomplished or attained has been done in full accordance with this most powerful law.

The Secret is the law of attraction.

If you are a fan of this book and movie, you've been waiting for the next installment and here it is...The Compass. Now that you know The Secret, you certainly will need to know how to utilize The Compass!

Hear what
Dr. Joe Vitale"Aude aliquid dignum" * Author of way too many books to mention,including the bestsellers "The Attractor Factor,""Life's Missing Instruction Manual" and ooohhhso many more, including the head spinner,"Zero Limits" and the mega-hit, "The Key." Star of the movies "The Secret," "The Opus,""Leap," "Try it On Everything" and now -- "The Compass", has to say about this new movie:

I *love* the movie, The Secret. I'm proud to be in it and glad to know it is still being seen across the globe by millions of people. But it's time for the next level. It's time for the next movie. And that movie comes out Feb. 10. It's called "The Compass." It's completely different than The Secret. Oh, it's inspiring, and compelling, but there's a story line in this one, and character, and an eye-opening message about your life.

Some movies can awaken and inspire and change you just by watching them. "The Compass" is that kind of movie. It points the new direction you need to take, to have the life you may have only so far dreamed about. It entertains while educating, and transforms you in the process."

You can see the trailer and pre-order the DVD at -- The Compass I'm in this movie, too. And so are a lot of other people; some you know,some you don't.

I predict this will be the greatest movie of current times, and will help transform the planet. It's all explained over at -- The Compass"
Go see -- and pre-order the DVD today.

Love, Joe PS -- The premier of "The Compass" will be Feb 8 inAnaheim, CA. I'll be there.
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